Diavolezza Glacier 4, Acrylic on canvas, 15” x 30”


About the Artist

Gale Wallar is a contemporary realist whose current work includes landscape, still life, and city scenes.  All of these works have a stylistic unity having defined edges, emphasis on positive and negative spaces and a nuanced palette of custom mixed colors.

Paris: View from Montmartre, Oil on panel, 12” x 16” ・sold

The snow enveloped mountain compositions are derived from her own photos that she selectively uses to create dramatic images to evoke a sense of imminent environmental change. The impact of the decline of these upper regions of snow and ice (water) is being felt everywhere. 

The cheese themed still life series are completely invented and composed of images that are combined to form a unified composition with near monochromatic color, contrasting textures and illusion of space.  The work is small in scale and has an intimate calmness. 

Wallar began working with city scenes while living in various cities in Switzerland, France, Germany, Russia and Indonesia, in addition to Washington DC. Architecture and cultural history are elements that are subtly incorporated in the city scenes to create atmosphere.

Gale maintains a studio at the Torpedo Factory Art Center, Alexandria, VA.  She has a BFA from Ohio Wesleyan University and an MA in Art History from George Washington University. Her work has been exhibited in solo and group shows in Europe and the US and is in private collections in Europe, the US and Asia.

Recent Touchtone Solo exhibitions:


Pavé Blésois, acrylic on panel, 12” x 12”

New York City Rooftops, Oil on panel  12 x 16 inches・sold

Berner Oberland 2, 2020, Acrylic on canvas 16” x 31.5” ・sold

Cornish Yarg and Others, acrylic on panel, 12” x 12”