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Physiognomy by Tim Johnson

  • Touchstone Gallery 901 New York Avenue Northwest Washington, DC, 20001 United States (map)

August 30 – October 1
Opening Reception: Friday, September 8, 6 – 8:30pm
Meet the Artists and See them at Work: Saturday, September 23, 1 - 4pm 

"Physiognomy" by Tim Johnson

Narrative formed the basis of Washington D.C. artist Timothy Johnson’s previous exhibits at Touchstone Gallery, It’s Greek to Me (2013) and Two if I See (2015); but with Physiognomy, his new exhibit at Touchstone showing from August 30 through October 1, narrative is tossed in favor of spirit and whimsy.

No theme is evident in this collection of small canvas portraits, but one feature ties Physiognomy together: Johnson has painted subtle cues reminiscent of artists and art movements from times past in some of his portrait settings. There is nothing grand or overwhelming; rather mere blushes of history to highlight the striking portraiture.

Those who know Johnson’s work will once again see his family and friends as portrait subjects. What they won’t see this time is a storyline. Physiognomy is simply about being playful, witty and painting for the pure pleasure of it.