Artist Statement

Rosemary Luckett's mixed media drawings, collages, and sculptures reveal a lively interplay between real and surreal expression. Her works are metaphors for American culture and commerce and how they impact the natural world in unintended but negative ways. Each piece is built around a single real or symbolic object or group of items that seem unrelated to each other.  But things are not always what they seem to be.

Rosemary’s work points to the something invisible hiding in something more obviously visible, even ordinary. The fun for her is in trying out unusual combinations of forms and solving the puzzles she presents to herself and us.

A former resident of Prince William County in Virginia, she now lives in Wilmington DE.  Rosemary has over 38 years of studio experience in painting, collage, and sculpting. See more at

Recent solo exhibtions at Touchstone include:


Garden Guide, Collage and acrylic on canvas, 30” x 40”

Luckett, The Creator Within Me.jpg

Landscapes: The Terrain Within

Garden Weaver, Acrylic on canvas, 11” x 14”

Mother of the Plants, Collage and Acrylic on canvas, 36” x 36”


Earth House Series