Uncovering the Magic of the Universe: Bill Mould

Bill calls himself a ceramic sculptor -- one who works at taking clay from the earth and transforming it into sculptures, which recall ancient myths. The clay, heavy to begin with, becomes light and intensely fragile as he works with it. He  makes art in order to stir new ways of thinking and experiencing the world both for himself and for those who view the finished pieces.

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The Touchstone Community: History Highlights

Artist-owned Touchstone Gallery has maintained a reputation for exhibiting contemporary work of high quality, vision and innovation by top-notch artists. Since the beginning, Touchstone’s mission remains unaltered: to enrich the lives of the community through exhibits of diverse contemporary collections of visual art; to promote a rich variety of artistic talent in the DC region;  to connect collectors with its artists; and to foster continuing artistic and career growth of participating artist through encouragement and support.  As a member owned and managed gallery, Touchstone artists enjoy the right to guide gallery policies and control their solo exhibitions.   For each piece seen in any given monthly exhibit, countless others are located in each artist’s studio.  Our director, artists and staffers are readily available for discussing all artwork types, techniques, and commission possibilities.

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